Kinship Care

Kansas Training Resources


What is Kinship Care?

Family takes many forms. Whether you are related to someone by blood or by a strong connection, you are family! Kansas family service agencies try to seek out “kin” connections first when considering caregivers for foster children, because “kinship care” placements help children and teens maintain their family connections and community bonds while getting daily support from someone they know and love.

To do their best, kin caregivers need support. That’s why the Children’s Alliance developed the Origins and Path training programs.

Kinship Training - Start Today!

  • Kinship Origins

    Kin caregivers often have just hours to prepare for their new roles. That’s why Kinship Origins is a free, self-paced online course available 24/7 on your phone, laptop or computer. You can register now and start right away, or circle back when your schedule permits.

    Built with the guidance of kinship caregivers, Origins answers your first questions, like:

    Where do I start?

    How do I help the child I’m caring for
    with their feelings and behaviors?

    How do I help the child I’m caring for
    stay connected with their parent(s)?

    Who are all these agency people?
    What is the court process?

    What resources are available for our family?

    CLICK HERE for a downloadable pdf.

  • Kinship Path

    Path is a more intensive program for families who already know the basics. The program helps kin caregivers learn the skills to build trust with kids who have experienced hard things, provide trauma-informed care, and maintain connections to family. Path offers:

    A 10-week training course, addressing issues ranging from understanding healthy child development, to navigating relationships with parents, and recognizing the feelings behind behaviors.

    Supplemented by online, on-demand modules providing additional resources and support.

    A forum for connection to other kin caregivers – an important defense against the challenges that can come with fostering.

    CLICK HERE for a downloadable PDF.

  • Kinship Bridge

    MAPP Kinship Bridge is a 5-hour, hybrid program that enables Kinship Path licensed caregivers to become licensed foster/adoptive parents for unrelated children and teens. Kinship Bridge provides the information needed to move from caring for family to supporting unrelated children and their families.

    MAPP Bridge will enable licensed kinship caregivers to make a mutual, informed decision about fostering/adopting and learn the skills needed to foster and adopt unrelated children and teens.

    Kansas DCF has approved the MAPP Bridge curriculum. Families who complete the Kinship Path program and the MAPP Bridge curriculum will fulfill the pre-service training requirement for a general family foster home license.

    CLICK HERE for a downloadable PDF.

I’m a kinship parent. Should I consider foster care licensing?

What are the benefits of kinship care for children?

Our Kin-First approach seeks to place children with kin when possible—staying connected with family is good for kids.

  • Stronger physical and emotional health

  • Greater stability with fewer school or home changes

  • Improved ability to adjust to changes in their lives now and in the future

  • Sustained connection to their community such as family, friends, and school


Kinship care supports

Immediate resources for Kansas kin caregivers:

  • An agency professional visits at least once a month to support the child’s well-being

  • Financial support at regular intervals that can cover expenses or be saved for the child’s future

  • Child health & mental health care coverage through KanCare

  • Child daycare expense coverage

Kinship Family Support

  • Kansas Caregivers Support Network

    KCSN provides meaningful representation and a voice to those providing care to children not born to them. KCSN works to provide for caregivers’ needs in a variety of ways including peer-to-peer support and mentoring, education and training opportunities, advocacy and locating resources to assist all caregivers in feeling equipped to handle the needs of children in foster care.

  • FosterAdopt Connect

    FosterAdopt Connect works with children, youth, and families as they navigate the complexities of the Family Well-Being System. With the help of innovative tools, a dedicated professional staff, and over 20 years of experience working in the Kansas and Missouri foster care systems, we’re equipped to connect children with families that provide love, healing and stability for a brighter future.

  • Kansas Family Advisory Network

    Raising grandchildren or another relative's child in your home is beautiful yet demanding. No one ever expects to have to, but many family members and friends do make themselves available when and if the need arises. However, raising someone else's child brings its own unique set of challenges. But you don't have to do it alone! There is help available just for you!

  • Kansas Post-Adoption Resource Center

    K-PARC is dedicated to strengthening kinship and adoptive families in Kansas. We are a group of families just like yours working together to make things better for our children. It’s important to plan fun things to do together! We provide information, training, and support to adoptive and kinship families. We also connect families to great services and professionals doing great work.

Kansas Child Placing Agencies

Talk with us

To learn more about becoming a caregiver for your relative, call the Children’s Alliance at 785.235.5437 or fill out this form. We can help connect you with a child placing agency in your area to make sure all your questions are answered.