Join us as we work to build healthy children and families!
The Children’s Alliance drives systems-level change to strengthen children and families through advocacy, networking and education.
We build child and family wellbeing by designing and delivering high-quality learning opportunities to caregivers and professionals. Our training programs include the MAPP Institute for Strong Families, as well as learning resources focused on adoption, teens, kinship care and trauma-informed care.
We’re working for a future where the vast majority of Kansas children at risk of removal today can remain safely with their families and give those who must be removed from their homes the support and care they need to heal and thrive.
Children’s Alliance leaders and members regularly meet with lawmakers, state agency officials, and national partners. We bring together technical expertise and adaptive leadership to discuss emerging issues, identify needs and collaborate for solutions.
The SOUL Family Permanency Option was designed by young people as a proposed new legal pathway to form families who will support them during their journey to adulthood.
The Kansas Department for Children and Families and a growing network of partners statewide are collaborating to build the understanding, resources, services and administrative and legal infrastructure needed to make SOUL Family a legal permanency option. During this journey, your support is needed.
SOUL Family was conceived by young leaders with foster care experience, with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and its Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative®. Kansas is the first state to implement the SOUL Family option.
The SOUL Family Framework
Introducing Kinship Origins and Kinship Path
Training and support for kinship caregivers
Children's Alliance offers Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting, a research-based, evidence and trauma informed approach to preparing caregivers. MAPP rests on four cornerstone principles to promote foster and adoptive parent readiness.
MAPP Leaders, sign in with the token/passcode you received. If you have questions, contact us!